Mobile creel: this creel type is similar to the standard creel, but is formed by trolleys which can be taken individually out of the creel. The bobbins are creeled up on each trolley outside the creel. During the creeling up of a series of trolleys, the second series of trolleys is brought back to the outside of the creel to feed the warper. This reduces considerably the waiting time. The mobile creel comes in handy especially when there is insufficient room to permit the use of two
standard creels.
Magazine creel: this kind of creel is used when several warps of similar type must be prepared in
sequence, that is when large lots of similar yarns need to be processed. Level with each tensioner, two bobbins are positioned: one operating and the other as reserve.
Swivel frame creel: this type of creel was designed as a variation of the mobile creel to enable the creeling up of bobbins which, owing to their heavy weight (5 to 25 kg), cannot be pinned on trolleys. Each bobbin holder is double-sided: the threads are unwound from one side, while a new series of bobbins is creeled up on the other side.
V-shaped creel: in this creel type, the creel boards are assembled in form of endless chains. While warping is carried out from the outer sides using the already creeled up bobbins, the subsequent yarn lot can be creeled up on the empty spindles positioned inside the creel. This interior room serves at the same time as storage and bobbin exchange station.
The yarn lot can be changed by simply pushing a button, which starts the electrically drive of the chains. The empty bobbins move towards the inside of the creel, the full bobbins towards the outside.